Darkwell Chronicles: A Sound Unknown (Part 1)

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Adam Culbertson as your Dungeon Master
Richard Collins as Aleister
Max Steele as Dr. Julian Cottage
Steven Sides as Victor Stodge
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All songs written and produced by Marco Mazzei at Fallen Highway Studios
Microphones & Monsters is in no way affiliated with Wizards of The Coast or Petersen Games
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hey everybody Adam culverson here before we begin this episode I just wanted to
take a second uh to talk about the updates that have happened to the show to what’s going on behind the scenes
everything like that I’m recording this later after this was released
so this is for the new listeners joining in because uh you’ll hear some some
links some some promotions and stuff that may not make any sense anymore or
is a little outdated we’re coming up on two years at the time I’m recording this
and there has been a lot of growth expansion on what we’re doing and
our collaborations which brings me to microphones and monsters is now part of
creative typo entertainment we have come together with some amazing Indie
podcasters out there and we have merged and and are collaborating moving forward as creative typo entertainment
if you want to see all of the shows that we’re collaborating on go to creativetypo.com there’s links to
everything there patreon Discord like join us on Discord we got we got a great
Community going but there’s there’s a lot of other shows like with our patreon you’re not just getting access to ad
free or bonus content from microphones and monsters you’re also getting it from a Fool’s Quest into the night Anthology
dreadtech Incorporated ethereal Embrace and the list keeps growing so we have a
lot of things planned I hope you enjoy microphones and monsters we had an amazing time making this show what
you’re about to listen to is the first campaign that stretches across Four Seasons and it is the darkwell
Chronicles so I hope you enjoy the binge there has been some improvements to it to clean up
the audio it may not be perfect but I hope you enjoy it thank you and here’s a
promo from another independent podcast so when you finish this episode make sure you go and check them out
after the mysterious death of his father envartan returns home to uncover the truth with the hell
the habaya and oh but his hometown of Eternal may have something even more Sinister in store
for them join us for their journey into the untold add etherealembracepodcast.com or anywhere
you listen to podcasts by searching for ethereal embrace
steal your mind for Eldritch horrors of the universe unknown
for what is to follow is a tale of intrigue mystery and Madness
you’re listening to microphones and monsters
[Music] foreign
foreign [Music]
Coastal Port City the newcomers find unsettling
the residents ignore the things that hide in the shadows hoping it will go away
there is a distinct thickness to The Damp air that weighs on the lungs the city is split by Haven mere River it
flows toward the east coast the north side of the river is Rose Throne Borough home to the wealthier residents of
darkwell you can smell the perfumes and exotic foods as you browse the Wares of the
well-to-do merchants of the Rose Market it is also the home of the House of manusit a large Stonewall theater known
for its monstrous Slice of Life plays the south side of the river is the lower
Moor Borough home to the working class and those less fortunate
beneath the streets of darkwell within its grips lies and other civilization entirely
the Crypt Folk all Races including the Crypt vote coexist within darkwell and the
surrounding coastal region there is more to darkwell than what lies on the surface this bustling City no
stranger to all the races of duns Altera has its secrets there is more than just the uneasiness
of the foggy lamplet cobblestone streets and dark alleys that are avoided by most
there is otherworldly Powers at play that are older than any common recorded history
only few have witnessed these Cosmic entities are much less written about them in Hidden tomes that are not
recommended to consume or else your mind be lost to the horrific things within
Our Story begins here in the year 1028 with three extraordinary individuals as
their paths cross listen as their Destiny unfolds
all right so first up Victor Victor stodge uh you are in your sewer home
that that uh you had made away from the the Crips
and uh and the other crypt folk and uh Luth arrives hey hey Victor I found a
body down at the Docks there’s a floater thanks Luth I really appreciate that at
this time like you’ve gone without without food for a while you haven’t been able to find any bodies or anything
so Luth has been your friend like you’re only your only friend out of out of all
the the Crypt folk and uh he he’s brought you bodies when he can that aren’t registered in the system uh at
the at the mortuary uh I figured you might be hungry and this one this one’s been dead at least a week yeah my
stomach’s been growling he’s like I’m really hungry too like I can’t wait and
he he takes a bite into the back of the skull of this human male Luth I I I’m
happy to share with you but you know that I I’m not gonna just eat it like it
is here I I almost forgot uh yeah you do your thing like it’s not bad I’m just
hungry that’s all right I I know I know what the hunger’s like
so um I I uh I take the the body you know I give some of it to Luther so
that he can he can go ahead and eat since he seems hungry uh but I take it over uh into my kitchen area
uh and begin preparing the meal I start I start cooking and seasoning the the
corpse and uh while you’re doing that Lou sits down and he he goes ahead and starts
eating his about a minute into him eating he starts getting
um the memories from the body and he just absolutely freaks out and and he’s
just like his eyes just he’s terrified like you just see it in his eyes and uh
he starts he starts screaming and he he cowers into a ball uh on the floor and
uh he’s saying that the sound the sound ah it’s it’s coming it’s coming to get
us lose what’s what’s going on what’s coming to get us that the the division
there’s there there was something something you got you gotta see for yourself like
this is terrifying all right you’re gonna be okay for a minute I I don’t
know I don’t we got to do something we got to do something with this body okay yeah I I was I was almost done preparing
the food it wasn’t anything elaborate um and so I go over and I I quickly
finish and then I I take a few bites um of of the meal all right after about
a minute of you eating it the the Visions come on strong and you see a portal
um from from uh this man’s point of view and you see
some kind of slick mucousy kind of
fleshy form um appears right before
um everything goes black and and through the whole time uh you’re hearing this this uh
screeching kind of sound as this uh it’s almost like a like a like a violin
playing but it’s it’s unlike any kind of music you’ve ever heard before
and everything goes black and the sound stops and um you do see that uh it’s on
it’s on the streets the the cobblestone streets of darkwell and it’s in front of
uh the theater yeah that is pretty disturbing
um I’m probably gonna go check that out and see see if I can see what’s happening
there well we gotta we gotta like take this spot like we can’t leave this body what if that thing tries to come
after us because we have this body like we gotta take the body back there or something like maybe somebody else
somebody that knows what’s going on maybe the sheriff or something can figure it out
all right I’ll you gonna be okay on your own did you
want to come with me or uh yeah I would prefer not to be alone right now just in
case that thing comes like we could take it on together but let’s let’s wait till tonight it’s it’s morning right now like
daylight just broke okay we’ll we’ll get our bearings and
calm down a little bit let this meal set and we’ll go out later on this evening all right
all right so Dr Madness before breakfast
uh Dr Julian I forgot your last name Cottage Julian Cottage like the cheese
yes and not the house like the cheese not the house
all right so you arrive uh you just came in from out of town what was the the town that you came from it was Arkham
okay uh you you came from Markham you were a doctor there um and uh you have arrived in darkwell
and you’ve gone to the sanitarium where uh one of your colleagues from college
is there and uh you meet up with her and her name Cottage College
Triple C um she’s a psychiatrist at uh the dark
well uh Sanitarium and her name is
verse bar arabiana oh my God yeah right
that’s like how am I gonna write this down Versa
she’s a bit Jewish she doesn’t look Jewish I can’t read my
own handwriting sometimes um she’s actually a an elf woman
and her name is verse bar v-e-r-s-p-a-r arabiania verse bar arabiania arabica
coffee beans yes uh thank you for uh for uh inviting me
to come here uh Dr versbar uh it’s it’s been a long journey coming from Arkham
it’s uh Dreadful place is uh just glad
to you know be off the road for a long period of time and just finally ready to
uh get get back to work oh yes I I heard of the the accident in your lab and uh
glad you made it out safe like you asked in in your message uh before you came uh
I have procured you a job here in darkwell uh for the for the time being
um luckily but unfortunately uh there has been a position come open in the clinic
and uh the the coroner has also gone missing recently so uh you will be picking up uh
those duties as well at the clinic so uh helping helping out here the the
the sanatorium and and the corner as well uh no you’ll be uh working down in the
city working down in the city at the clinic uh taking in in in new patients
and and also working for the chef Sheriff
yes who’s the who’s this who’s the sheriff the sheriff he is uh a very
brutish man uh he’s an orc um his name is baram uh but his nickname
is a shotgun shotgun Sheriff yes shotgun baram sounds like a
wonderful dinner host and his uh and his Deputy uh a small halfling uh her name
is uh chandira root maker root maker yes people have very colorful names over
here it seems yes yes they do well then um
if you could please uh show me where I can put my things I’m just I’m ready to you know get out of these travel clothes
and put on my uh my lab coat and get to work uh she um because uh the sanitarium
it’s up on the hill on the outskirts of town um uh she she pulls out a map of the
town and and uh shows you exactly where the clinic is um from from where you are now okay and
uh she’s like uh unfortunately there has
been a lot of missing people recently and and you will be short staffed nothing I’m uh
something I’m not used to anymore and uh Arkham there were many uh
mysterious uh illnesses plague some of magical nature and it was
very Dreadful to try to deal with all of that uh by myself but uh I learned to goodbye okay so uh
yes if you know I’ll uh if if urgency is in need then I’ll uh forego
uh settling in my things and head straight over to the clinic and see what needs be done and there there is uh
living quarters in there that that you can take okay thank you all right I will have to stay up there and
uh how long is uh how long is the clinic is the clinic still open right now with no one in there or is is someone uh
watching it or is the sheriff watching it do you think just you know it’s a lot of useful materials in the clinic
uh some useful some can be used for uh nefarious means there’s a there’s a
young gnome there uh uh nurse uh he’s he’s sadly the only
person Staffing it right now and looking over it and I’m sure he’s overwhelmed
um he is uh gerbo rustek gerbo rustek short on help indeed
all right [Laughter] um
I’ll head over to the uh to the clinic post haste and meet with this gnome okay uh so you arrive at the clinic like as
soon as you walk in the door like like before you even walk in the door you hear just uh a lot of a lot of noise a lot of people
talking and and uh you walk in and there’s there’s a lot of
patients waiting to be seen and and gerbo’s like he looks just
exhausted as he’s walking uh with one of the patients back to back to one of the
examining rooms excuse me nurse gerbo You’re Gonna you’re gonna have to you’re
gonna have to wait fill out the form on the front desk and and I’ll get with you as soon as possible I can understand why
this would be confusing as I’m in my travel codes right now my name is uh Dr Cottage uh I’m here on uh retainer to
assist with uh duties of the clinic from the uh good doctor from the senatorium oh I’m so glad they finally sent
somebody uh yeah uh yeah get get your stuff settled there’s
there’s a room for you uh right down the hall just just put your stuff in there and as soon as you can come out I need I
need all the help I can get right now all right I’ll uh I’ll I’ll go and make my way towards the uh the back room and
start taking off my travel clothes and kind of open up my pack and get everything you know together and then
I’ll um I’ll open a special case where I um where I keep my mask and then I’ll go
ahead and open that up and then I’ll go ahead and fix it to my face and um when
I do um you kind of see this uh this this glint of yellow kind of in my eyes as
soon as I put the mask on like it’s a part of me that’s been like naked and missing for a while and kind of like my
eyes and expression changes to very wide it’s like all right let’s get to work I
kept trying to come up with something for your character during this time but I nap
um I want yeah exactly I didn’t really have anything for you until till a little bit later
um but I want you I want uh Richard I want you to think of you normally hang
out by the sheriff’s station something like that okay and as soon as they get news about something
you you get it too so think of how you would I’m not gonna put this in but
think of how you would do that um when the time comes that I get to you on that well yeah obviously the sun just
hits the spot right next to the Sheriff’s Station that’s so perfect for a mid-afternoon nap yeah so it is uh it
is turning night now and uh gonna go back to Victor and Luth y’all are taking
you know are taking uh the body up from the sewers and and what are you doing
um we were gonna head back to um where I recognized the the scene was at
in uh in uh well actually we were gonna go to the Sheriff’s Office first
actually I think um so we’re gonna we’re gonna go to the
Sheriff uh Luther speaks up and he’s like
I mean we’ve mangled this body like they’re gonna think it’s us they’re gonna put us
in jail without even asking questions okay no that makes sense yeah so um
I think what we’ll do is we’ll we’ll take the body back close to where uh Luth found it you know maybe if it was
uh if it was in a more obvious spot we’ll put it in a slightly less obvious spot
um and then sort of just look around the area see see if there’s anything there
before we move on okay so you take the body up uh you look around and you see
that there’s been a lot of traffic throughout the day every day basically you don’t really see much of anything uh
other than like just it’s a busy busy section of of town near the port
um but nothing really stands out to you yeah Luth I can’t I can’t see anything obvious here
um well yeah I mean well with the with the vision it wasn’t here it was at the
what the theater but like I I think this body’s been dead for at least a week so
I guess it’s not really clear how it ended up here instead of the theater I want to get as far away from this body
as possible let’s let’s head back to your place okay yeah let’s
let’s leave this here and maybe maybe we’ll try to figure out what’s going on later but we can we can go back to my
place for now if if you want a place to stay you head back down into the sewers and as you’re as you’re walking uh
through the sewer tunnels you hear a faint distant sound of uh the music that you
were Hearing in the memory and Luth just immediately just like his eyes get
huge and he takes off running down down the tunnel
uh away from the sound yeah okay well uh I’m gonna
I’ll go ahead and try to cautiously approach my place maybe I’ll I’ll sort of stealthily oh he’s running
he’s running towards you you’re not right next to your place like it’s it’s a ways down the tunnels um and he’s running that direction
towards them oh Luth is running towards the sound no he’s running towards your house the sound is behind you oh okay
he’s doing this Forrest Gump thing right now yeah okay misunderstood I apologize that will happen many times
um in that case uh I guess first thing I’m going to do is turn around and see if I can see anything you don’t see
anything I don’t see anything you hear it um it sounds like it might be coming closer to you slowly all right is there
anywhere nearby where I could hide um
you can hide on a another path uh that’s not too far away from you yeah I think
I’m gonna do that and just sort of you know hide myself and see see if I
can see what might be coming okay before it comes okay
um that’s that’s done with you right now cool now we’re going to Richard or to
Aleister more napping much more napping um so you’re you’re at
the sheriff’s station what do you it started it’s it’s uh it’s just turned
night like it’s a little a little time has passed and it’s it’s pretty dark now well I suppose that that’s enough of an
afternoon nap then and uh I’ll go ahead and and go to head home
further study my books as you as you start to get up uh you hear uh you hear
somebody busting through the door sheriff sheriff they found a body down at the dock it’s it’s mangled all the
pieces like you gotta we gotta check it out oh all right let’s let me get my
shotgun and uh they start heading down uh
um the sheriff and and his Deputy start making their way down to the docks
well I never could resist a good mystery so I think I’ll go follow them all right so
you you you follow them down to the docks and and they get there there’s already a couple other uh deputies and
guards trying to trying to keep people back sending them home uh they’re like
it’s too late you gotta just get out of here just just go home go do your thing
uh let let the authorities take care of this and the sheriff and the the
deputies start inspecting the body and after they’ve inspected for a little bit uh
they walk away a little bit and they’re talking to themselves and uh nobody’s next to the body right now
um I think I’ll go over to the body just to see if I can maybe glean anything about it okay
um just kind of nonchalantly walk towards it um perhaps this should be mentioned that
generally when I go for my naps over at the sheriff’s office just you know the
way that the light hits It’s just so perfect like in the late evening but uh I generally don’t take my pack with me
just so I’m a little more inconspicuous okay um but uh I’d like to to try and and wander
a little closer to the body to see if I can maybe tell anything okay you make it over the body without anybody noticing
you it’s pretty dark not a very well-lit area well not for everybody but
right give me an investigation check total of 23. okay
um so as you you’re inspecting the body uh you notice that it’s definitely waterlogged you see that there’s uh a
huge bite taken out of the back of the skull um and it’s it’s uh cracked the the skull completely open
and uh you see you see the teeth marks and uh you see where uh chunks of Flesh
have been shaved off of it um but you don’t see any kind of
like puncture wounds or anything like that that like on the body or you just
see the only the only wounds you see are on the back of the skull and uh hunks of
Flesh like taken off of the the legs but no like gunshot wounds or Arrow or sword
wounds or anything like that um would I be able to maybe make a
medicine check to try and see if I could tell if these wounds were posthumous uh yeah yeah give me a medicine check
I fail horribly um yeah you a total of one
he made it worse yeah so um you can’t really tell uh
like you just as you as you’re looking over the body trying to see if it’s if
it’s to to get a little bit more detail on the wounds uh the sheriff turns around and sees you and he’s like ah get
out of here cat like this go get you some some kibble or something get out of
here um well in in light of uh my guys and
not trying to seem like I’m I’m too out of place I’ll go ahead and Scamper away okay
um now um as you were investigating and everything you did hear uh the sheriff
and the deputy talking about that uh they needed to get this body up out of
the public and get it over to the coroner as soon as possible maybe the coroner can tell me let’s hope
[Laughter] I heard he was uh well we got to get it
to that new coroner and uh deputy’s like yeah yeah he uh he just came in today so
we really need somebody to to look over this body um I I believe this is one of the
missing the missing people that that’s on the list and he’s like yeah what’s that doctor’s
name what Dr uh colon or something like that
it’s it’s Dr Cottage a shotgun like we gotta we gotta get him over there let
Let’s uh let’s do this so they they uh get some help and and get
the body picked up and and carted off oh man
[Music] oh my god
um yeah so uh you’ve Dr Dr Julian Cottage
you have uh had a very busy day in the clinic you managed to her help gerbo out
in getting all the patients out uh and you just you just lock the door from the
last patient leaving is gerbo still there yeah gerbo’s still there I appreciate your assistance today uh
nurse Gerber uh my apologies it’s okay it’s been it’s
been a long day I I forgive you um if you don’t mind I’d really like to
call it a night and and head on home yes of course uh once you finish uh uh
sterilizing and cleaning the utensils uh changing the sheets uh making sure uh
all of the supplies are in order and correctly filed uh yes you’d be more
than more than happy to return to your home okay uh I’ll get right on that thank you I need to uh uh do some uh
information and figure out uh Ponder uh uh various injuries and things see if I
can uh find some kind of correlation as to why we have so many injured and sick people coming in it’s I mean Arkham was
a a almost a Backwater in terms of its location and darkwell is I have to say
uh not so much of an improvement but still we didn’t have nearly as many uh patience it’s it’s staggering I’m
amazed you can even stand right now yeah um it’s kind of hot I’m gonna open up a window too yes we should definitely uh I
can’t really smell anything right now so um yes if I’m sure that stench is horrid right now so if you would just open up a
window please and help uh get a draft in here to be it’d be great yeah he walks
around he opens up all the windows and he gathers up all the all the tools and and starts cleaning everything and goes
in the back and sterilizing everything and uh as he as he walks into the back
uh you get a knock on the the front door click’s closed are we
we need you to we need you as a coroner right now uh
we got a we got a dead body may ask who’s speaking uh Sheriff barem Baron
shotgun that’s me one moment
and I’ll uh I’ll you know kind of wipe off any kind of you know vitriol or
stuff I’ve kind of got on me and go ahead and take my gloves off and I’ll uh start walking to the door and go ahead and kind of open the door but not like
swing the door open just kind of like peek through it and uh as you as you open the door he
pushes in with his shoulder and walks in and uh he’s like ah we got got a body
for you yes it just ran into me apparently um this one’s this one’s pretty mangled
up like uh you got your work cut out for you mangled bad see for yourselves and
they they put the body bag on on uh one of the examining tables and unzip it and
and you see chunks of Flesh cut off of it and like the back of the skull has a
big bite taken out of it uh probably best to uh take this into
the back room where we actually do autopsies this is an examining table for uh living patients
all right yeah you heard them they take it back to the the back room nurse Gerber gerbo oh yes sorry gerbo
um uh the sheriff is here he uh has brought a uh uh mangled body in uh I’m
going to uh take it in the back and um uh perform an autopsy at uh his request
all right uh you want me to just finish this up and go home yes yes that’d be great thank you all right thank you
he goes back all right so I’ll walk back to the um oh actually don’t like is
there a specific name for like an Optimum I’m just thinking it’s like autopsy room probably just autopsy room
but your shop hey if we get people listen I’m sure they’ll correct yeah all the time please
please I would actually like to know the top satorium yeah yeah there you go yeah
all right so I’ll go in and um I’ll do my best uh Dana Scully uh Montage or put
my headphones on I start putting my gloves on and start dancing as I’m opening them up no I’m just kidding let
me give me a montage medicine check all right so while he’s rolling that
um I noticed that you mentioned that uh gerbo uh had opened a window possibly
did that ever actually opened up all the windows all the windows you say including maybe in the back room there
yep yeah I’m assuming it smelt rank but I got the mask on so there’s a nice breeze just blowing through the entire
place right now uh would it be safe to say that I have made my way over to the
uh the clinic by this point it is safe to say okay well I would like to uh kind
of jump into that window okay um just to try and observe okay you said
it was a medicine check medicine uh 18 18. all right uh so as you’re inspecting
over the body uh you see of course the the big bite in the head uh the the
teeth marks uh you recognize as ghoul teeth or I’m sorry that you recognize as
[ __ ] folk you can’t use that word I know they can use that word
you recognize it as [ __ ] folk uh bite marks
um and uh and your understanding of [ __ ] folk uh you do know that they like to
just bite and eat and they they have the the jaw power to to rip the back of a skull
off do you do notice something very odd because while there was that one spot
there’s another spot down on on the legs where it looks like it was a very uh
carefully carved me like almost like like a butcher
um a butcher’s work rather than uh like your normal your normal goals so that
that’s kind of odd um there’s also uh you notice that there
is no other other wounds uh you do notice that uh The Carving and the bite
on the head is postmortem like you cut the you cut the body open and uh you you
inspect the heart and organs and everything and you can’t really find a reason why this guy died other than the
this this expression on its face that’s just in that’s stuck in like Terror uh
Sheriff um well it may seem obvious to you that uh
the uh giant uh bite mark and the uh very interesting uh work done to the
legs uh might look like this was a mere mangling attack uh that is not the case
um I believe that these wounds were inflicted post-mortem so maybe a uh
urgent happened to come across this body and happen to be a little uh hungry I’m an
[ __ ] what do you want me to do uh can I can I see any kind of
identifying uh marks on him can I figure out who this person is naked like it’s in it doesn’t even have
clothes on him Sheriff do you know who this man is we were talking about it all the way over here we we think he was
he’s on the list of of missing persons recently missing persons yeah uh his uh
we believe his name is nilas creel like the food no the Creole like
k-r-e-e-l nihilus nihilus creel okay he said a list of
missing persons yeah um he he happened to be the the stage director at uh at uh the house of menu
seat the the theater up in the up in the Rose Throne Borough yes I was looking at that information
before as I arrived in town it’s uh very affluent uh section of town is it not oh
yeah it’s um judging by what I can see from the autopsy I’ve done I can’t really see uh
any kind of definitive uh cause of death uh the uh
the locked facial expression though is very interesting very yeah it’s kind of
terrifying actually interesting I would say interesting the face doesn’t normally seized up like
that postmodern you see something must have caused that and uh locked up the nerves and as soon as rigor sets in it’s
stuck like that so very very interesting um Rose thornborough you say
well Sheriff uh if you know I were some kind of investigator which I’m just a humble doctor working at this Clinic uh
I would suggest that you would definitely need to go over there and conduct an investigation and see who
knew about the director missing and who would uh be up to uh warrants his death
yeah that’s our job so yes I know yeah have a good night doctor uh you too
um is there any um next to family that I need to or will you inform uh about uh this dead body uh
as much as I like um you know doing autopsies very late in the night
um I uh must really keep this room clean and um the bodies out that’s uh I think that’s
on a need to know basis uh um we will uh whoa we’ll get back to you Doctor well I
hope it doesn’t take long I don’t want this thing rotting in my clinic I’m trying to keep this place sterile you have no idea how hard it was to get all
of this stinking folk out here before uh yeah sure okay bye a doctor
good evening shotgun
hello everybody it’s me Adam your dungeon master here on microphones and
monsters you just got done listening to the first episode I I really hope you enjoyed it I
hope you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed creating it we do have two
episodes coming out every week Mondays and Fridays we are keeping the episodes short uh so you’re not having to
dedicate an hour and a half to two hours a Time Each time we we put out an episode we’re keeping it sweet 30 45
minutes somewhere around in there maybe maybe up to 50. who knows depends on
editing we also hope that that makes it easier for uh those that the the typical
commute time be in 30 minutes we hope that hope that we you can listen to us Monday morning and then Friday morning
you know hey but I don’t know um we do hope that you continue to
listen to microphones and monsters and see where these these three guys go as they as they come
together and if you solve this mystery I don’t know I don’t know what they’re gonna do yet I
gotta keep playing so the the music that you hear throughout this podcast
um the intro all the background music and even the outro music that you’re
listening to right now all songs were written and produced by Marco Mazzy at
Fallen Highway Studios yeah when I found this music it was it
just blew me away it matched the setting that I was going for and everything and I I had to have it I
had to put it in microphones and monsters it is an independent uh composer and uh if you like the music go
and you can use the music for your own DND podcast or uh your own uh just just
your own d d sessions I mean it it’s also nice to just uh support a
independent Creator and that’s what we’re all doing out here just creating
stuff independently and it’s so much fun but
yeah again really hope that that you enjoy this and hope you
come back and and continue to listen and join us next time here on microphones
and monsters and I almost forgot uh definitely if if you definitely like
this give us a follow on Twitter if you’re not following us already uh it is uh mics and monsters at mics
and monsters m-i-c-s and spelled out monsters I mean you just
probably just search microphones and monsters it’ll pull us up our little logo and uh of course you can always go
to microphones and monsters.com we got we got all the links there all the links
to all your different favorite podcasting sites apps whatever and
social media all that good stuff so it’s always nice to get feedback and
yeah yeah it’s welcomed any feedback I don’t care bye